Why sunglasses made from bamboo forests? benefits


Lit eyewear – Wood Sunglasses

Did you know that bamboo grows at an incredible rate of 35 inches per day. Bamboo is one of the most sustainable alternative to woods in making furniture and other household items. The tree-like grass is fast to grow, easy to process, lasts a long time, and can be fully recycled. On top of that, industrial bamboo products have a small carbon footprint or can even be carbon negative. Due to their high tensile strength or robust structure, the bamboo made products, such as drawer organizers, are more durable than the wood obtained from some trees, like mahogany - oak is an exception in this category. Bamboo was a no brainer for us at Lit Eyewear because it is so sustainable. Plastic breaks down into microplastics and unfortunately microplastics are everywhere. Bamboo is biodegradable and easy to purchase around the world. We love the natural feel and natural look it gives our customers. If you are interested in a organic or natural lifestyle? Bamboo sunglasses are a natural fit. We love that bamboo floats and gives surfboarders the ability to protect their eyes from the sun while surfboarding. 

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Ryan Pound

Lit Eyewear




Lit eyewear – Wood Sunglasses

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